Canadian life: Nova Scotia through Dutch eyes


Every license plate features Nova Scotia's sailing ship the Bluenose


... very seriously


Halloween (decorations) were taken seriously...


Most cars do not have a license plate on the front of the car (only on the back), making them look a bit naked


The national flag can be found in many places; there is a sense of national pride that is quite uncommon in The Netherlands


There is an abundance of pretty street art


The parking meters I only know from the movies are used here


The sign above the toilet in the library's washroom* is very careful in explaining the difference between a number 1 and a number 2.

And best of all? The toilet flushes automatically!

To me, the word washroom is yet another example of avoiding stating things the way they are. Going to the washroom involves an element of mystery: what are they going to do? Will they get rid of some 'solid waste', or are they merely washing their hands??

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